Thursday, May 22, 2008


I took the boys to the Scout-o-rama in Orange County. Our council doesn't put one of these on for some odd reason. Michelle gave a us a family ticket to see the event. Wow! Another great childhood memory for me. Besides being super HOT we had fun. I was able to get Isaac and Alex on this ride with their cousins Webster and Tristan. Olivia and Dominique decided not to ride...the older boys scared them. It was nice to see my brothers all dressed up in their leader uniforms. I haven't seen Martin since last year and Baron since February 2006. They seem to be doing well. After the boys went on this we started walking the grounds to see the booth exhibits. They had a lot of cooking demonstrations, hands-on activities and booths where the boys could work on beltloops and pins. Alex and Isaac were able to earn their Astronomy Beltloop. I think that just made Isaac's day.

Pinewood Derby

Isaac participated in his Pack's Pinewood Derby last month. This brought back lots of childhood memories for me from both of my brothers. Isaac designed his car to look like the Space Shuttle. His car did fairly well for being his first year doing this event. He came in 8th in the Pack out of 19 participants. I'm not sure who has more fun with this event...the boys or the dads. It's pretty funny to watch all of them. One of the leaders made a "Cam Car" outfitted with a tiny camera. The boys loved seeing the footage from the "driver's seat".