Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Wolf Cub

In June, Isaac bridged from being a Tiger Cub to being a Wolf Cub. And what a wolf he has become! He has either a hollow leg or a tapeworm. Not sure which...he just eats and eats and eats. Our first year in Scouts was a lot of fun and we are looking forward to this coming year. We were able to attend Cub Scout Day Camp at the end of July and Maxwell even got to tag along. Both boys had lots of fun and Isaac was able to earn his Marbles, Ultimate (frisbee), and Wildlife Conservation beltloops. In addition to the beltloops he also earned his BB Gun, Archery, and Wildlife Conservation pins. That's a lot of work (and play) done in one week's time! No wonder why I was so exhausted every night.
I get to be involved in planning this next year as an Assistant Den Leader with Adrienne, our fearless Den Leader. And once again, I am the "Popcorn Kernel" for our Pack. This means that I am in charge of the popcorn fundraiser that our Pack does in September. I even have the opportunity to wear "the Corn Cob" hat. Now that will be something. I'll see if I can get that posted later. Adrienne and I were able to increase sales by almost 50% from the year before. This will be a hard goal to beat this year. But when you clean up those Cub Scouts and have all them dressed in uniform it makes it too hard to turn them down at the grocery stores when they ask "Would you like to buy some popcorn and support Scouting?" Who can resist that?

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