Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Grannyman

This is my Grannyman, Haydn. Haydn has been with me since I've been married. He is a very sweet 16 year old siamese cat. He is my little ray of sunshine. I know he's getting old and I won't have him with me much longer so I savor each day I have. Haydn sleeps with me with his head on my cheek and an arm around my neck. When the weather is too warm he sleeps on my pillow and I use him as a pillow. He doesn't seem to mind as long as I am near him. I ran across a book called, The Grannyman by Judith Shachner, last year at the library. It totally reminded me of Haydn when we brought home Scooter, our other cat. It's about an old siamese cat that reflects on his life and prepares to die until a new kitten arrives in his home. He then teaches the kitten everything it needs to know about life. It is a really nice book. Haydn did that with Scooter until Scooter became the Alpha Cat in our home.

Here is our wonderful Scooter using Haydn as a pillow as well. I am so surprised that Haydn hasn't died due to the abuse that Scooter puts him through. That poor old cat never gets to leave a room without Scooter jumping him. Scooter is a beast but he's sweet in his own way too. Scooter loves to sleep under the covers by my feet and is good until you move too much and then he'll attack you. Should have had him declawed! Isaac and I went to the pound the other day to license our dog. We checked out the animals, which we do everytime we go there even though Jeff has said "no more cats!" Let me tell took all the willpower in me to not adopt the blue point siamese kitten that was there. He was so cute and talkative! Isaac told me to get him and I told him that if I do I'd have to get rid of a kid...most likely him. He decided that we didn't need the kitten after all. Too bad...the kitten would have been a nice change.

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